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Merit Resources: (509) 837-7700

Substance Use or Mental Health Crisis Line: 988

Serving Central Washington for Over 40 Years

Rehab Therapy

MERIT makes rehab therapy easily available to substance users, providing walk-in services to those seeking help. We understand the sooner treatment begins, the greater the likelihood of a successful recovery. That’s why we provide comprehensive, CARF-accredited care, including same-day admission and evaluations at our outpatient addiction treatment center.

Walk-In Drug Addiction Treatment

When you’re ready to make a change, our caring staff is here to help you start the rehabilitation process and assist you on your journey. We’ll educate you on what to expect during your intake, assessment, and future care at our addiction treatment center. We’ll also review insurance coverage and other payment options available. MERIT offers treatment on a sliding scale, so you won’t have to worry about your finances getting in the way of recovering from addiction.

Drug Rehab Intake Process

Immediately on arrival, we’ll evaluate your current health status using a combination of intake forms and interviews, considering key information such as:

  • Stage of intoxication and frequency of drug use
  • Probability of withdrawal and subsequent care requirements
  • Medical and psychological conditions impacting addiction and rehabilitation
  • Your likelihood of relapse and pattern repetition
  • Who’s available to help you on your path to recovery
  • Social factors impacting your overall health and wellness

We invite you to ask questions and share your goals and concerns. Our team understands each person’s treatment needs are unique, tailoring each drug and alcohol treatment journey to ensure patient satisfaction and successful recovery.

Pre-Screening Assessments for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

During your initial assessment, we’ll consider your willingness to participate in treatment and make positive changes. Our friendly staff will always treat you with respect. Our goal is to help those struggling with addiction, encourage you to speak openly about your substance use, medical and psychological history, and build the foundation for a strong and lasting relationship. All information you provide remains confidential and will be used to create your custom treatment plan.

In-Depth Substance Abuse Therapy Evaluations

After your initial assessment, we’ll conduct a thorough medical exam and mental health evaluation to identify any co-occurring issues impacting treatment. We’ll also review your family medical and substance use history and discuss your family, work, and social life, including legal and financial issues. Most importantly, we’ll discuss your reasons for seeking treatment and spiritual needs. Our comprehensive evaluations ensure you’ll be matched with the best drug treatment program to help you reach your short and long-term goals based on your unique life situation and facilitate a successful recovery.

Drug Addiction Treatment Options

MERIT offers many types of addiction therapy services to meet your needs, including:

Don’t Wait to Get Help Treating Addiction

Start the journey to a brighter future with help from MERIT. Contact us at 877-789-3344 or stop by our Kennewick, Pasco, or Ellensburg drug and alcohol rehab therapy center today.

Reach Out for More Information

Get in touch with our kind and caring staff about treatment services and for more information about what we do. Steps to a brighter tomorrow start now.

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