12-Step Facilitation Screening
Is a 12-step program right for you or your loved one? Get to the heart of addiction recovery needs with a 12-step facilitation screening at MERIT. We offer a variety of 12-step programs to help you abstain from drug and alcohol use and make changes in your life and social network to support a successful recovery. People actively involved in 12-step programs achieve outcomes as good or better than other active treatment options, with higher rates of substance use disorder remission.
Find the Ideal 12-Step Program at MERIT
MERIT’s thorough 12-step facilitation in-person and online counseling, treatment, and assessments ensure you are connected with the right addiction treatment services to meet your needs. Our top 12-step programs include:
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the first and largest 12-step mutual help program
- Narcotics Anonymous, the second largest, for those with addictions to substances other than alcohol
- Al-Anon, a 12-step program for family members of those struggling with addiction
A 12-step program may be your primary means of addiction recovery, or your treatment team may recommend it in conjunction with other protocols such as mental health services and detoxification. We offer in-person, telehealth, and online options for adults and adolescents.
How 12-Step Programs Work
Twelve step facilitation encourages affiliation and active participation in local Yakima Valley groups to achieve long-term remission from substance use disorders. This evidence-based practice offers greater success in maintaining total abstinence compared to methods that limit drug use. Each group includes clinical members such as doctors and mental health services providers as well as non-clinical staff, many of whom may also be in recovery. Twelve-step members track progress via a log or journal, including meeting attendance, finding a sponsor, completing work-assigned reading from AA texts, discussions with fellow members, and progress toward achieving abstinence.
During each 12-step session, you’ll explore common AA themes, including attitudes, how to overcome obstacles, your spirituality, and the purpose of a higher power. As you grow alongside fellow attendees, you’ll come to understand substance use is a disease, and abstinence is the best way to overcome this problem. Along your journey, you’ll develop a support network among your 12-step program peers as you navigate and overcome medical, emotional, spiritual, and relationship hardships together.
12-Step Facilitation History
AA or Alcoholics Anonymous, the original 12-step program, has been in use since 1935. Founder Bill Wilson created the program while detoxing in a Manhattan drug rehabilitation center. He combined philosophical and religious tenets to develop the 12 steps and traditions at the heart of AA, condensing them into a short list featuring a biblically inspired structure. Alcoholics Anonymous, otherwise known as “The Big Book,” continues to serve as the foundation of addiction treatment today, with translations in over 100 languages used worldwide by millions of members.
Schedule a 12-Step Screening Today
Begin the journey to a brighter tomorrow with a 12-step facilitation screening at MERIT. Contact us at 877-789-3344 to schedule an assessment at our Ellensburg, Kennewick, Pasco, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Wapato, or Yakima drug rehabilitation center today.